I’m Ready Research Program
June 2021 (Ongoing)
We are excited that the I’m Ready research program has launched! I’m Ready is a national project providing individuals with free and low-barrier access to HIV self-testing. You now have the option to self-test from the comfort of your own home or space, in private or with people you trust.
Did you know that 13% of Canadians are living with HIV right now don’t know it? The goal of the I’m Ready research program is to reach people who are undiagnosed and give them choices about how to connect to the care they need. ACNL is a proud partner, pickup location and pathway to care for individuals who participate in the research program.
You’ll need to be 18 years of age or older, have a smartphone to download the mobile app called “I’m Ready, Test”, consent to be a participant of the program, and take a pre-test survey. Once you’ve completed those steps, you can now order up to three (3) free HIV self-testing kits for pick up or delivery. Your participation in the I’m Ready research program and reporting your result(s) in the app are completely anonymous and voluntary, and there are peer navigators in the app who are ready to support you every step of the way.
Learn more about the I’m Ready research program: https://www.readytoknow.ca/
Watch an instructional video on how to use the INSTI HIV Self Test: https://youtu.be/1G1ia1S7uZo

Test Now: Community Edition
November 2021
***This program has now ended. Check out above for more opportunities to receive free HIV self-testing kits. Thank you!***
In November 2021, ACNL partnered with CBRC (Community-Based Research Centre) through their research program called Test Now: Community Edition to offer anyone 18 years of age or older and living in Newfoundland and Labrador free and low-barrier access to HIV self-testing kits. We believe you should know your HIV status on your own terms!
Whether you’re injecting drugs or having sex, self-testing gives you the power to learn more about, and connect to, your HIV prevention, treatment, and harm reduction options based on your results.
*There was a quick one page survey (no more than a minute long) that we asked individuals to complete prior to taking their kit(s).
Learn more about Test Now: Community Edition: https://www.cbrc.net/test_now_community_edition
Watch a queer friendly instructional video on how to use the INSTI HIV Self Test: https://www.cbrc.net/self_testing_for_hiv_with_travis